Tired of Seeing Sales but Not Enough Cash

Tired of Seeing Sales but Not Enough CashBy: Paula Day Published on: 30/08/2024

You’ve done the work. You’ve put in the hours, built the business, and the sales are coming in but

Business Tips
Tired of Seeing Sales but Not Enough Cash

Just focusing on sales isn't going to make you rich

Just focusing on sales isn't going to make you richBy: Paula Day Published on: 29/08/2024

It’s about what you’re actually making in profit.

Business Tips
Just focusing on sales isn't going to make you rich

Still chasing the next sale, wanting to hit that next income level, but as soon as that money is in, it’s gone just as fast.

Still chasing the next sale, wanting to hit that next income level, but as soon as that money is in, it’s gone just as fast.By: Paula Day Published on: 12/08/2024

When I first started out I thought the aim was to make 6 figures, that when I got there I will have made it.

Business Tips
Still chasing the next sale, wanting to hit that next income level, but as soon as that money is in, it’s gone just as fast.

I don’t actually believe you have to get everything right or all the things even done in business to make More Money

I don’t actually believe you have to get everything right or all the things even done in business to make More MoneyBy: Paula Day Published on: 09/08/2024

What is ‘right’ anyway, it’s more about what works for you.

Business Tips
I don’t actually believe you have to get everything right or all the things even done in business to make More Money

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