Just focusing on sales isn't going to make you rich

It’s about what you’re actually making in profit.
Yes, I get it, you started your business to make an impact, to help others, but also to make money, take care of yourself, and possibly your family, too.
I know you didn’t start this business to make less than what you were making before, because let’s be real, building a business is no walk in the park. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.
Take Dani, for example. She launched her business with big dreams to make an impact, work from home, be around her kids, and afford the lifestyle she wanted. She wanted a new home and some holidays and all the things….
Sales were rolling in, she even had a staff member, but she was working longer hours, and had less to show for it than her previous salary. The money just wasn’t adding up, even though the sales were.
This is the trap so many business owners fall into. The sales come in, and it feels great, get excited, but it’s not translating into money you can actually bank.
That’s why it’s not just about sales; it’s about profit, and what you’re actually putting into your account.
Dani wasn’t a newbie to business, she had been in business for a while, tried different strategies, and had both a bookkeeper and an accountant. But despite all that, she still couldn’t make it work the way she wanted.
Her big mistake?
She didn’t get on top of her numbers and money situation early enough. By the time we started working together, her husband was pressuring her to shut it all down, and she was ready to pack it all up too.
That would’ve been such a waste because, honestly, it only took a few simple steps to start clearing a decent profit.
Soon, she was paying herself more, and doing all the things she dreamed of. Fast forward 12 months, and Dani was in talks with the bank to purchase her first home, her ultimate DREAM.
It can be shifted, you just got to change your focus.