I don’t actually believe you have to get everything right or all the things even done in business to make More Money

What is ‘right’ anyway, it’s more about what works for you.
Even today one of my clients came into her session, ready for all the strategies to make more money, ready to get going with it notepad ready….after working all week at these things anyway, it’s fair to say she is pretty savvy at what she does….it’s not more of what you are doing, it’s not more lists, more hustling.
When it comes to making more money it’s not always about the strategy (yes you have to know what you are doing) but if you do and you want more, and it’s not happening then it’s often something else we are shifting.
The energy we hold around it, and give to it or to the lack of it.
This is where the real work comes in
This is also the most fun…and the most frustrating for all my work-o-holics out there.
Making the next 5 months the biggest cash months yet it's not about grinding it out
It’s about owning more of who you are
It’s about stepping into more of the leader and showing up as her
It’s about shifting those old relationships with money
It’s about allowing and connecting deeper with your feminine
Allowing yourself to receive for all that you have given
This is approaching things in a different way than you have ever thought
I’m up for the shift, who else is with me, let me know in the comments below.